Fibroid Fighting Smoothie Bowl

I’m back this week with a slightly different video! The past two weeks have been sit down conversations with Dr. Jacqueline Anita Sowah on symptoms and risk factors and fibroid management and treatment options.

To switch things up a little bit, today’s video is a super quick Fibroid Fighting Smoothie Bowl. You know your girl loves making smoothies and recipe videos.

You’ll need:

  • 2 cups of water

  • 2 teaspoons of baobab powder

  • 1 dragon-fruit, peeled and diced

  • 3 small frozen bananas

  • a handful of frozen mixed berries

  • chia seeds

  • your preferred toppings (granola, cacao nibs, etc)

When it comes to fibroid nutrition one easy rule of thumb to remember is to “think red”

Red fruits and vegetables are heavy with iron, vitamins and antioxidants that help restore blood loss after a heavy period and also helps us fight fibroids and prevent further fibroid growth

Mixed berries

Berries like raspberries and blueberries are known to contain an organic substance called resveratrol. Research suggests that resveratrol may stop cell growth and production of uterine fibroid cells. It’s also why I drink raspberry leaf tea. 

Frozen banana 

The great potassium giver bananas! We’ve all been told of all the potassium in bananas since likely kindergarten. Turns out potassium-rich foods help us regulate fibroid growth and symptoms. It’s important we practise proper nutrition to not only help heal fibroids but also help to reverse the damaging effects of fibroids. Plus frozen bananas offer a perfect creamy base for a delicious and healthy smoothie.


Baobab powder from the baobab fruit pulp is a high vitamin C supplement and a certified African superfood. Vitamin C helps our body absorb iron as iron needs the Presence of vitamin C in order to be well absorbed into our cells. If you are taking an iron supplement baobab is an excellent vitamin C source to help with iron absorption 

Pitaya or Dragon Fruit

Pitaya/ Dragon Fruit is technically a cactus fruit. Not only is it hailed for its healing properties but the seed laden cactus fruit is very delicious and it works incredibly well in smoothies. It offers a high antioxidant kick plus a high vitamin A content. Which mean not only will it help boost your cell healing power, but is also a great fruit to eat for glowing skin. Most importantly, pitaya boasts 8% of recommended daily value of iron per serving and if you’ve ever had a heavy period you know the importance of staying on top of high iron content foods.

Chia seeds

The mighty chia seeds are one of the most versatile seeds. Chia seed is also known to help regulate and balance estrogen levels. Fibroids are hormonal and their growth is supported by excess estrogen. This means eating food that helps regulate your body’s sensitivity to estrogen is very helpful in preventing and healing fibroids.

Cacao/ Cocoa Nibs

High in antioxidants, this superfood found right here in Ghana helps us regulate our blood sugar plus is known to accelerate healing. It is important that with fibroids we stay in balance and cacao nibs helps us do just that by modulating blood sugar hikes. The high fibre content also acts as a prebiotic which maintains our gut bacteria known as probiotics

Thats it! Try out this recipe and let me know what you think!


Period Stigma, Shame & Fibroids


Fibroid Management And Treatment Options